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 “But until a person can say deeply and honestly, “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,” that person cannot say, “I choose otherwise.” – Stephen R. Covey

Celebrate Your Potential Coaching Program

POTENTIAL is a beautiful word, synonymous with POWER, POSSIBILITIES, TALENT, PERFORMANCE, FUTURE and HOPE! It promises success and greatness, and subtly implying FULFILLMENT!

Celebrate Your Potential Coaching Program is a powerful program that will transform your life, taking Further & Faster to your Success and beyond to your Significance.


Everything in personal growth starts with just two questions.  







Two Questions of Personal GrowthSony Thomas
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The coaching program will unleash your potential by helping you design a  growth plan that will take you to your future. It is designed to bring out your potential for greatness, validate your feeling of 'you can do more and you can be more' by using the tried & tested, scientific & systematic Maxwell method of personal growth. 

What is Personal Growth

If there is a deep interest to understand more about what personal growth is and what it means to you and how it can transform your life.

What is GrowthSony Thomas
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The difference between,  I WISH  and I WILL is that in the former growth happens by chance, and in the latter, growth happens intentionally following a growth plan, and the celebrate your potential coaching program promises to help you become intentional about your growth. 


Personal growth is much more than just having a Goal. It is a way of life to achieve your Potential, Purpose and Productivity. If you are interested to understand deeper about the difference between Goal vs. Growth mindset click on the button. 

Outcomes of Program

You will change from accidental to intentional growth

You will discover your purpose by growing in your self awareness

You will advance your career by learning how to grow your talent and skills

You will overcome the Growth TRAPS that is holding you back 

You will become a better human being by growing in your character

You will celebrate life by going beyond success to significance 

You will place a higher value and worth on yourself 

You will be a better 'people person' by growing in your relationships

You will create an environment that is conducive for you to thrive 

The Program Structure

I believe in giving you MORE value than what you have invested, in terms of your TIME & MONEY and giving massive result. Here are some snippets of what will be covered in the coaching program  

# 8 Growth Gaps
# 5 Key Growth Areas
# 6 Rungs of Character Ladder
# 5 Steps for Failing Forward

# 15 Growth Mindset



Growth Doesn't Just Happen



Learning To Pause Allows Growth To Catch Up With You



To Maximize Growth Develop Strategies



Growth Stops When You Loose Tension Between Where You Are And Where You Could Be



It's Hard To Improve When You Have No One But Yourself To Follow



You Must Know Yourself To Grow Yourself



Motivation Gets Your Going Discipline Keeps You Growing



Good Management of Bad Experience Leads To Great Growth



You Have To Give Up To Grow Up



Growth Always Increase Your Capacity



You Must See Value In Yourself To Add Value To Yourself



Growth Thrives In Conducive Environment



Character Growth Determines The Height Of Your Personal Growth



Growth Is Stimulated By Asking Why



Growing Yourself Enables Your To Grow Others

The Celebrate Your Life coaching program is a unique program, where it blends the advantage of structured learning, and the Free Flow nature of 1:1 coaching.  I have designed this intensive  coaching program with TWO objectives,

1. Reduce the turn around time for result, through the support and encouragement of a life coach

2. Easy accessibility and learn at your pace: Personal growth needs consistent intention and action, the slightest inconvenience can cause derailment, hence the on-demand learning content organized on the online coaching platform, giving instant access to audio teachings, worksheets, metrics and real-time assistance from coach. 

Coaching Program Options

The CYP Coaching program offers two options that differ in duration of course & number of coaching sessions, but following benefits components are common to both option- 1&2; 


# The Coachee will have the duration of the selected option to complete the course and avail the One-on-One sessions

#Access to premium online coaching platform, where the coaching can organise & document their learning, complete worksheets, track & assign metrics and design step-by-step action plans

#Realtime guidance from coach during the course of the program and in-between Sessions  

Option -1

45 Days 
Coaching Session

Option - 2

75 Days
Coaching Session

Take.... Action !!!

If you have decided to take action, just click on 'Start Course' and we will help you through the intake process. 

If you know you are ready to move forward in life, but wish to get some more clarity, please schedule a FREE Enquiry Session to interact with your coach and identify the best coaching program for you

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